
Cyber ​​security is about protecting computers, waiters, mobile devices, electronic systems, networks and data from malicious attacks. It is also called computer security or information systems security..

  cyber security

Understand threats and protect yourself, it can be learned and it starts with getting information and training

Safety assessment ofpayment systems

Thorough research of business logic flaws and implementation vulnerabilities.

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Safety assessment ofICS systems

A complete analysis of the hardware and software components of the different payment systems.

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Safety assessment oftransport systems

Modeling of specific threats and assessment of the vulnerability of industrial control systems.

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A password is like a toothbrush that changes !

The importance of a cybersecurity solution is summed up by the strong desire to secure information, private data and devices. In the world today, individuals store large amounts of data on computers and other devices connected internally.

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Cybercrime : What are we talking about ?

What is the extent of the phenomenon ?

It's huge and keeps growing : + 22% on average each year. 100 000 crimes and misdemeanors were declared last year… Not all companies declare that they are victims of a cyberattack, and not everyone notices : for example it is necessary 197 days on average to detect a breach of automated data processing and 69 Days to fix it.

Who is concerned ?

Everybody ! Companies represent 57% of total damage, and the administration 7%. Individuals are also prime targets, and as such constitute a weak point for companies, with in particular the development of telework and the greater permeability of the professional and private spheres.

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